About this Website

I am a computer nerd with a background in system administration and systems engineering. Like everybody, I run into issues with my computer, mobile phone, tablet, websites, you name it.

And sometimes these problems have me stumped. Like everybody, I’ll turn to Google. Usually there’s a solution ready, or at least a pointer that gets me looking in the right place.

But not always. Every now and then, there are just no relevant Google results.

This website is my method of feeding my solutions back into Google. So that the next person who has the same problem can find a ready solution – or at least a pointer to get them looking in the right place.

If it helps even a single person, my job here is done.

Mandatory Information according to §5 TMG:

Nils Jeppe
Zwinglistrasse 14
10555 Berlin

Email: nils.jeppe@gmail.com
Phone: +49 151 70056667